Colorado is losing commits

Two ESPN 300 caliber players from CU’s 2025 class have decommitted, though at least one still rates CU high on his list. CU has just one 2025 commit now, though their 2024 class should be pretty good.

I’m hearing rumors of a toxic environment in Boulder, maybe the recruits are hearing them, too.

Danny O’Neil, a 3 star QB who picked CU over other schools, including Northwestern, has decommitted from CU.

Indiana’s starting QB has entered the transfer portal following the firing of their coach.

Which one? The guy who started the season starting (Jackson) or the guy who ended the season starting (Sorsby)?



MSU QB Katin Houser will enter the transfer portal.

Add Mississippi State, Kansas State and Baylor to schools where the QB is entering the transfer portal.

Miami (FL)'s quarterback is entering the transfer portal.

Teams looking for a new QB are gonna have a lot of options, but sometimes transfers are a bit of a sorry lot, injury-prone or just unhappy campers.


It’s true what you say about transfers , but I would say at this point NU’s best bet to get a BT ready QB for 2024 is through the portal. I just don’t see any our current QB’s ready to take charge

There may be QB’s in the Portal that simply realize that short of an injury to a designated starter, they are going to be #2 and this is their last chance to get out. And I would say that Peyton Ramsey was our best Portal pickup. Sure we had a top defense in 2020, but without him I dont think we come anywhere near being a #10 team in the country


This will sound awful, but based on our very difficult 2024 schedule plus playing on the road every game we should avoid transfers and try to develop players.

tOSU, @Michigan, and @Washington plus the usual Io_a and Wisconsin.
Right now our non-conference is just Duke and Miami(OH), but I’m sure there will be a FCS game.

If we can come into 2026 with a new stadium and an experienced QB I think that is our best scenario to make a run at being 5th in the 18 team conference. Sounds pessimistic, but I think 5th might be our top ceiling.

That is a non-starter, regrettably.

There’s no reason we can’t compete with everyone. And I mean, everyone. All we need is a quarterback.

If we’d had a healthy Bryant, we would have been 9-3 this season.

The game (figuratively) has changed. It may be that we are, as Braun has said, aiming to be the best developmental program in American. But that still leaves plenty of room for filling in slots for key positions. If we can develop/recruit someone like a Thorson, great. If not, bring on the portal and NIL.

I’ve always been a believer in QB development over the transfer portal, but it seems that we’ve been lucky (at times) getting players who were riding pine where they were, and transferred and got a shot at showing their stuff.

This is probably off the edge, but Joe Flacco was sitting at #2 at Pitt when he transferred to Delaware and then played well enough to be drafted and eventually won a Super Bowl. I also remember watching dOSU and wondering how many potentially great backs, who could read and write, were sitting on the bench while Archie Griffin ran away with all those honors. any one of those guys would have started for the Cats.

Sometimes you just have to throw your best QB out there and lay the job on him. And remember we’ve had experience with a two headed monster system that worked. Maybe that’s the ticket as well.

But first we’ve got a Bowl game to win… then some Coaching decisions… and then there’s a late start recruiting class to build.

Go B1GCats


I do agree with you that the QB room needs an upgrade, either through the transfer portal or an incoming freshman. The one who decommitted from Colorado has good stats for a HS player, and freshman QBs can make quite an impact these days, because the top HS programs are probably better than the bottom teams in FBS.

Nebraska also wants to be a developmental program, FWIW, but Rhule isn’t afraid to use the portal.

Regarding NIL and a QB , I heard the following from a reliable source:

Someone told Fitz that to get a QB of solid playing ability caliber , the price would be $1mm in NIL money and he could raise that amount for Mr X. Fitz said he wasn’t interested.

Marc it sounds like if you are slotting NU at best # 5 that you do in fact think that at least 2 or 3 of the new entrants will be top conference competitors right away. I
absolutely agree that some of the newbies ( particularly SC and Oregon) will potentially be fighting for the top right out of the shoot


I have no trouble believing that top QBs can get $1MM or more in NIL, whether they’re worth that straight out of HS is a separate issue.

I also wouldn’t be surprised if the top QBs have been getting that much under the table for a decade or longer, NIL means ‘Now Its Legal’. :wink:

As someone noted several years ago (before NIL), you don’t see a lot of Yugos in the player parking lot at big name football schools.

Also, we are not going to have that big a recruiting class this year, ladies and gentlemen.

Some significant number of our players have the option of taking a Covid year.

Not sure I agree Roy.

Our recent recipe for success in the transfer portal has been quarterbacks with lots of experience and success at other places, where a younger guy was replacing them. Ben Bryant at Cincinnati, and Payton Ramsey at Indiana.

Our transfers with limited playing time but high recruiting value, Ryan Hilinski and Hunter Johnson have proved to be disastrous/unsuccessful.

It seems that we should go for the proven guys. We need guys who can make all the throws, and have a degree of mobility. Don’t take risks on guys with promise.

Let the new OC find and develop quarterbacks. All for that. But at this point the portal seems like our source for next year’s starting QB, and the staff needs to make an EXCELLENT pick, a guy who comes in ready to play, who has proven ability elsewhere. I don’t know enough about the guys who are out there to suggest who that may be. I had not even heard of Ben Bryant before he signed with the Cats. But he came ready to play!



A U Of I friend of mine and huge current booster claimed to me when I first met him in his 20’s , that the players’ luxury cars in Champaign came from agents showering them with “ gifts”in order to induce them to become clients upon draft eligibility


AFAIK, that’s still illegal even under NIL, which doesn’t mean it won’t happen. Nobody gets punished for that unless the NCAA wants to set an example, and right now they’re busy hiding their heads in the sand.

There are credible reports that established college QBs are receiving $1M NIL offers.


Assuming a healthy Bryant we would’ve won the west so assume we are #18 like Io_a is now.

That puts Michigan(2), Washington(3), Ohio State(6), Oregon(5), and Penn State(10) above us in the rankings so we would be 6th.

Lest you forget there are also USC, Io_a, and Wisconsin. I don’t think being 5th is an insult in an 18 team conference. In the NFL that would get you into the playoffs.