Well, this ought to keep the lawyer busy!
At $100 million is revenue and 20% distribution that is $20 million per year
Assuming only the 85 football and 12 basketball it is about $206k per athlete.
Assuming approximately 28 additional scholarships from tennis, golf, swimming, and baseball and an equal representation of females that is 250 total scholarship athletes which means the payday is down to $80k per athlete.
The revenue numbers we’ve been quoted in the past 82% of the revenue comes from football, 17% from men’s basketball, and 1% from the other 14(?) sports.
Paying $80k to a golfer plus tuition, room, & board to play a sport that loses $50k per person per year is 100% absurd.
I thought the NIL system was stupid, but this would make it seem logical.
Don’t forget all the other men’s and women’s sports, including our championship-winning field hockey and lacrosse teams.
It’ll be interesting to see if the incoming administration changes things, otherwise the revenue distribution system is probably going to result in meaninglessly small payments to perhaps 500 or more athletes until they can get some Congressional relief.