NU looking for new AD

Current NU AD Derrick Gragg will transition to a role dealing with NIL, revenue sharing and other issues, but will remain the AD until his replacement is found.

Sounds like a move to “kick him upstairs”


I think they wanted to replace him and were afraid of the blowback.

I’ve worked at companies where you make up an out-of-the-way position where they can do little harm to make room for somebody more competent. The company had a Vice President of Office Furniture for a long-term employee who hit the Pete Principle in their previous role.

We just renewed our season tickets Section 25, Row 15, Seats 23-25, although not directly as we consolidated with a seat neighbor and she purchased extra seats that we will use. We went with the $250/ticket donation as she wasn’t interested in the $750 or $1,000 a ticket options. We will likely lose 20 yards at least and are a bit lower than our normal row 32.

Looks like we will spend our 29th and 30th years as ticket holders on the lakefill.

I still can’t imagine I want to pay PSLs on an ongoing basis so buying tickets in 2026 is still an unlikely proposition.

Figured that was coming.

NYT said he was pushed out at the request of some boosters.

I thought that he wouldn’t survive the Fitz/hazing debacle, but it turns out that booster displeasure with the perceived poor handling of alternate sites for home football games were what did him in.

Karma does work in mysterious ways.


“tactfully shifted aside…”

Reminds me of the Peter Principle: in any organization one rises to their level of incompetence.

Where one might still pose a risk to the organization a corollary “the lateral arabesque” allowed moving sideways into (hopeful) obscurity.

In my 38+ years in the regulated electric utility business I witnessed many applications of the Peter Principle (some were, thankfully, successful)
